83 pages 2 hours read

Haruki Murakami


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2009

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Book 2, Chapters 1-8Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Book 2: “July-September”

Book 2, Chapter 1 Summary: “It Was the Most Boring Town in the World”

Aomame arrives for a scheduled meeting at Willow House. Both Tamaru and the dowager look utterly defeated; shortly after the guard dog’s baffling death, Tsubasa disappeared. The dowager believes that Tsubasa left on her own accord, but she is devastated, nevertheless. Her theory is that Bun’s murder was a message to Tsubasa that she must leave or else terrible things will continue to happen to those she cares about.

The dowager changes the subject to discuss plans to assassinate Leader. She says there are at least three other victims of child rape, and the earliest victim was Leader’s daughter, whom he raped seven years ago when she was ten. The dowager advises Aomame that this job won’t differ significantly from previous jobs, except that she will have to disappear afterwards, moving far away and even getting plastic surgery to change her face. Even though Aomame’s method leaves no evidence of foul play, the fanatical members of Sakigake will surely throw all of their energies into tracking down the last person who saw him alive and torturing her for information. Given that this will likely be the last time she sees the dowager, Aomame expresses her gratitude, characterizing the older woman as a surrogate for Aomame’s biological mother, who renounced her after she left the Society of Witnesses at age ten.

On the way out, Aomame asks Tamaru for a gun to kill herself, should she find herself at imminent risk of being captured by agents of Sakigake. Tamaru reluctantly agrees, though he also references the literary principle of Chekhov’s gun: “once a gun appears in a story, it has to be fired” (325).

Book 2, Chapter 2 Summary: “I Don’t Have a Thing Except My Soul”

Initial media coverage of Fuka-Eri’s disappearance is measured. Tengo assumes this is because news outlets do not want to look foolish if the writer reemerges in a day or two. He further believes that Ebisuno arranged for Fuka-Eri’s false disappearance to encourage the media to dig into her personal history and to uncover information about the whereabouts of her parents.

During lunch at the school where Tengo teaches, an unpleasant-looking man in a rumpled suit named Mr. Ushikawa arrives and asks to speak with Tengo. Tengo has never seen this man in his life. Ushikawa introduces himself as “Full-time Director, New Japan Foundation for the Advancement of Scholarship and the Arts” (331). He tells Tengo that he has been selected as one of five young artists to receive a grant of three million yen with no strings attached. This confuses Tengo because nobody knows he is writing a novel except Komatsu and his girlfriend. Furthermore, most of his work is published under a pseudonym, so Ushikawa’s organization would have no idea whether Tengo is worthy of a grant or not.

Tengo declines the offer, explaining that he does not like to take money from people he doesn’t know. In an internal monologue, Tengo thinks, “[N]o matter how you look at it, there’s something fishy about this grant” (336). At first, Ushikawa resigns himself to Tengo’s decision, but he goes on to suggest that Tengo is connected to Fuka-Eri and that he would be best served by not becoming “embroiled in extraneous matters” (336). He ends with a vaguely threatening remark about what will happen if his connection to Fuka-Eri is made public.

Book 2, Chapter 3 Summary: “You Can’t Choose How You’re Born, but You Can Choose How You Die”

At Willow House, the dowager explains how Aomame will kill Leader. Leader’s only weakness is that he suffers from bizarre physical ailments that he keeps a secret from most of the rest of the organization. A spy in Sakigake arranged for Aomame to be alone in a hotel room with Leader where she will perform physical therapy on him.

After her meeting with the dowager, Tamaru gives Aomame a small black pistol and teaches her to use it.

Once a day over the next two weeks, Aomame stands in the mirror and puts the gun in her mouth to acclimate herself to the possibility of suicide. She thinks, “I could do it now if I wanted to [...]. No, it’s too soon for that. There’s something I have to do first” (354).

One night, Aomame opens the newspaper and sees that Ayumi was found strangled to death in a hotel room, handcuffed naked to the bed.

Book 2, Chapter 4 Summary: “It Might Be Better Not to Wish for Such a Thing”

Tengo reminisces about Aomame. Although he admits that it is difficult for boys and girls to become close friends at that age, he still regrets not making a stronger effort to connect with her. The following year she moved to a different school after leaving the Society of Witnesses and moving in with relatives. He realizes that reworking Air Chrysalis is related to the reemergence of a strong desire to see Aomame: “The act of rewriting Fuka-Eri’s story in his own words had produced in Tengo a strong new desire to give literary form to the story inside himself. And part of that strong new desire was a need for Aomame” (363).

Book 2, Chapter 5 Summary: “The Vegetarian Cat Meets Up with the Rat”

After learning of Ayumi’s murder, Aomame cries uncontrollably, the first time she’s done so since Tamaki’s death. As an assassin, Aomame worried about getting too close to an officer of the law. Yet now she deeply regrets pulling away every time Ayumi tried to deepen their friendship. Had they been closer, Aomame might have been by Ayumi’s side that night, and she would still be alive. Aomame lays some of the blame for Ayumi’s death on her uncle and brother who sexually abused her, creating in her heart “an abyss of nothingness and the intense thirst that came with it” (369).

Five days later, Tamaru contacts Aomame on a pager. Through a payphone, he tells her that she will carry out the assassination that evening at the Hotel Okura. As she waits for the appointed time, Aomame thinks about how after she leaves Tokyo and gets plastic surgery there will be nothing left of her except her love for Tengo.

Book 2, Chapter 6 Summary: “We Have Very Long Arms”

Tengo’s girlfriend misses her usual Friday visit, and Tengo has not heard from her over the phone in a week, which is uncharacteristic. One evening, his girlfriend’s husband calls and in a voice devoid of emotion says she will not be visiting his apartment anymore. “One thing should be perfectly clear,” he adds. “My wife is irretrievably lost” (382). The phrase “irretrievably lost,” combined with the man’s affectless voice, deeply unnerves Tengo. After the husband hangs up, Tengo feels enormous anxiety over the safety of his girlfriend—whom he now refers to in his mind by her full name, Kyoko Yasuda. He is also haunted by the notion that the memory of his mother and the man who isn’t his father is a representation of Kyoko and Tengo.

A couple hours later, Ushikawa calls, though Tengo never gave him his phone number. He continues to pressure Tengo into accepting the grant and to make increasingly threatening comments about what will happen if he refuses. Tengo even begins to expect that Ushikawa has something to do with Kyoko becoming “irretrievably lost.” Although Ushikawa refuses to divulge any specifics, he boasts of the immense power of his employers, whose “long arms could, when extended, have certain undesirable—though unintended—effects on you” (388). Finally, he labels Air Chrysalis a “thought crime,” echoing the phrase from George Orwell’s 1984.

Book 2, Chapter 7 Summary: “Where You Are About to Set Foot”

Aomame waits in a hotel lobby for agents of Sakigake to bring her to Leader’s hotel room. She’s hidden the pistol and the deadly needle ice pick in a change of underwear in her gym bag. Although she generally feels cool and calm before carrying out an assassination, she is full of anxiety and anticipation. Two bodyguards—whom Aomame refers to as “Buzzcut” and “Ponytail,” based on their hair styles—approach and walk her to the elevator.

Before she enters the bedroom where Leader awaits, Buzzcut tells her she is sworn to secrecy about what she sees and experiences in there, adding, “Where you are about to set foot is, so to speak, a sacred space” (396).

Book 2, Chapter 8 Summary: “Time for the Cats to Come”

Tengo remains deeply perturbed by the phone calls from Mr. Yasuda and Ushikawa. In turn, he feels intensely alienated from everyone in his life, including Komatsu, Kyoko, and Fuka-Eri. With no one else to talk to and nowhere else to go, Tengo travels to the seaside town of Chikura, where his father lives in a sanatorium for individuals with cognitive disorders.

On the train to Chikura, Tengo reads a short story called “Town of Cats.” In it, a traveler gets off his train at a station in a quaint riverside town. It appears to be abandoned, yet once night falls large anthropomorphic cats enter the town to conduct business, working in shops and other establishments until dawn when they return to wherever they came from. When the cats are present, the traveler hides in the bell tower. Meanwhile, trains continue to stop frequently at the station, but nobody ever gets on or off.

One night, the cats smell a human and go searching for the traveler. They track him to the top of the bell tower, but the traveler is inexplicably invisible to them. Having narrowly and mysteriously escaped the cats’ wrath, the traveler decides it is time to move on. Yet the following day, none of the trains stop at the station as they normally do; he is as invisible to the passing trains as he is to the cats: “He knows he is irretrievably lost. This is no town of cats [...] It is the place where he is meant to be lost” (405).

At the sanatorium in Chikura, Tengo is told that his father is physically healthy but his mind is slipping. Although his father is cordial to Tengo, he does not recognize him as his son. The father goes so far as to call his son “nothing,” which makes Tengo feel like he is in the town of cats. Tengo wonders if his father is being literal, as if to suggest that Tengo is the product of his mother’s extramarital relationship. Yet when Tengo probes him on this point, his father merely discusses his work as an NHK fee collector, as if he is still employed by the company. Tengo refuses to let go of his questions, but his father simply repeats the mantra, “If you can’t understand it without an explanation, you can’t understand it with an explanation” (413).

Book 2, Chapters 1-8 Analysis

Loneliness continues to be a dominant theme in 1Q84, as both Tengo and Aomame reach new depths of personal isolation. This is also true of the dowager, who is distressed by Tsubasa’s disappearance. The only comfort any of these characters feels in these chapters comes from the surrogate mother-daughter relationship between Aomame and the dowager. Having been used as a prop in her mother’s weekend missionary excursions, and later alienated by both of her extremist parents when she left the Society of Witnesses, Aomame never experienced maternal love. In turn, the dowager’s daughter killed herself, in a loss echoed by Tsubasa’s disappearance. The deepening emotional ties between Aomame and the dowager implies a new motivation behind their assassination plots. Their connection may be the most sustained relationship either woman has, and it is predicated on their plots to murder abusive men.

With Ayumi’s death, Aomame needs this human connection more than ever. The death sends her into a spiral of despair as she cries uncontrollably, expelling the four years of loneliness she’d bottled up since Tamaki’s death. The loss of Ayumi holds thematic and narrative resonance. Like Tamaki and the dowager’s daughter, she is another sexual abuse survivor who dies violently. Ayumi’s death is another clue to the novel’s central narrative mystery. The last words she speaks to Aomame are about her efforts to uncover the truth about Sakigake: “I’ve got it! Let me dig into this a little more in my own way” (292). This suggests that Ayumi may have been murdered by Sakigake agents because she got too close to exposing the organization’s crimes. It is almost more comforting to think that Ayumi’s death was the result of a giant criminal conspiracy and not another one of innumerable acts of sexual violence against women—which, if not for the fact that Ayumi was a police officer, might not have been reported in the paper at all. In this way, 1Q84 is a place where the traumas of the real world are processed through the narrative conventions of mystery fiction and conspiracy thrillers.

Literary conventions are also foregrounded when Tamaru procures a pistol for Aomame, referring to it as “Chekhov’s gun.” Chekhov’s gun is a concept that states, “If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired. Otherwise don't put it there.” More broadly, it speaks to a narrative principle dictating that all elements of a story should contribute to the whole; otherwise they should be removed. On a metafictional level, the invocation of Chekhov’s gun may be an ironic commentary on Murakami’s own novel, which at 926 pages features long, detailed passages of characters buying groceries or cooking “simple meals” that do not appear to contribute to the narrative or thematic whole in any obvious sense.

Beyond that, however, the concept of Chekhov’s gun implies it is inevitable that Aomame will use the gun she procures. She tells herself she will only commit suicide to avoid being captured by Sakigake and tortured for information. Still, every night she stands before the mirror and pantomimes shooting herself, strongly suggesting that her suicidal thoughts go far beyond the practical concern of avoiding a longer, more torturous death. This tracks with her loneliness: All of Aomame’s meaningful friendships have ended in untimely death, she is completely alienated from her family, and her one romantic fixation is on a man she has never spoken to and hasn’t seen in 20 years. The only thing that keeps her from pulling the trigger is the thought, “There’s something I have to do first” (354). What she means by “something” is left unclear; it could mean completing the assassination job, reflecting both Aomame’s consummate professionalism and her thirst for vengeance against violent men like the ones who have cost her so much. Or it could mean finding Tengo, though at this point in the novel any notions she entertains of physically meeting Tengo are more fantasy than reality. Whatever the case, 1Q84, despite its many perils, gives Aomame a reason to live.

Finally, Aomame’s despair is mirrored in Tengo, who by the end of these chapters feels more alone than ever before. Kyoko’s unexpected and ominous disappearance vaults Tengo into a whirlwind of anxiety. To say that Tengo took her for granted is a massive understatement; her character is given a name only in her absence, reflecting the extent to which Tengo treats women as placeholders for an unnamable despair left behind by his absent mother. Yet in carrying on a sexual relationship with a married woman, Tengo realizes that he is no longer the innocent little boy in need of a mother; he is the grown man from his one memory of his mother, interloping on another man’s family and, ultimately, tearing it apart. He becomes the agent of a family’s destruction as opposed to a victim of it.

It makes sense that Tengo would respond to this realization by visiting his father for the first time in years. On the way to his father’s sanatorium, he reads a short story called “Town of Cats.” The town of cats is place of extraordinary peril where the protagonist is nevertheless perfectly safe because no one can see him. That loneliness is far more painful than any of the dangers he faces from the cats who live there. Later, Aomame will think to herself that the “town of cats” is Tengo’s term for 1Q84. If that is the case, then Tengo may have crossed into the new world when he decided to take the train to see his father. By reaching out and trying to better understand his loneliness, Tengo is thrust into a world where he will ultimately meet Aomame, offering support for the theory that entering 1Q84 is the result of a decisive action, albeit one with unknown consequences.