57 pages 1 hour read

James Patterson

Ali Cross

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2019

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Symbols & Motifs


Washington DC’s police are part of the Metropolitan Police Department, or MPD. Allie’s parents both work for the MPD as detectives, and though some department members think Alex is a bad cop, most do not, and the Crosses have many strong working relationships with officers there. Those connections help speed the department as it works to locate Gabe and solve the burglaries connected to the boy.

When Ali comes under suspicion during the series of burglaries, the department treats him fairly. Ali chafes at the slow, methodical way the department searches for Gabe, but he soon realizes they must do things in that manner to get the job done properly. In the story, MPD symbolizes a solid, strong arm of the law whose clockwork professionalism includes room for dedication and compassion.

Outpost and PlayStation

PlayStation 4, or PS4, is a video gaming console, and Ali, Gabe, Ruby, Mateo, and Cedric play on it an online action game, Outpost. When Gabe disappears, the others try and fail to break into Gabe’s game bunker in search of clues. Ali later receives a private message that gains him entry to the bunker, where he talks to Gabe, who makes him promise not to tell the others about their conversation. Ali agrees; when the others learn of this betrayal, they break with Ali. Later, they reconcile and send online messages to Gabe, urging him to return home. When Ali gets locked inside the Qualls’ storage unit, he sends frantic messages to his Outpost friends via Gabe’s PlayStation console. The messages get through, and the boy is rescued.

Many of the story’s clues and plot changes hinge on the Outpost game and the PlayStation consoles. Ali’s friends bond over the game, use the console as communication devices, and pick up useful info about Gabe inside the Outpost game. When he disappears, Gabe takes his machine with him, and Ali realizes that the Qualls plan their burglaries using their PS4s. The Outpost game’s challenges seem to enhance the kids’ mental skills, which helps them solve the mystery. The game also points up Gabe’s genius-level smarts, which he uses to manage his disappearance with online resources.

Children aren’t always up-front with their thoughts, and the game action on the consoles sometimes stands in for their deepest feelings. Gabe’s game bunker, with its inventory of crime on the main floor and fancy apartment buried beneath, symbolizes the oppression of his regular life that lies atop his dreams. When Mateo learns, during an Outpost session, of Ali’s betrayal, his avatar turns and shoots Ali, knocking the boy out of the game and symbolically rejecting his friendship. The kids later reunite and enter Gabe’s bunker, where they post notes urging him to come back to them.

The PS4 world thus contains many symbols of the kids’ unspoken or subconscious desires and values. The consoles also suggest that, even within the artificial worlds of online gaming, the rules of detection still apply, and clues and solutions to mysteries might well be found there, just as in everyday life.


Though a minor part of the story, the world of sports is one of the links holding the Cross family together. Jannie’s high-school track events, Damon’s college basketball on ESPN, and even Ali’s nickname—which connects him to boxing great Muhammad Ali—make athletics important to the family. The Crosses strongly support each other, and their attendance at the kids’ sporting events is a way to show their love and encouragement.

Alex and Bree stress good citizenship and well-rounded lives. Scholastic achievement is expected—Damon attends a prestigious college, for example, and his father has a PhD—but competency in sports gets acknowledged in the Cross household as part of the full expression of a growing child’s life. Ali enjoys watching sports on TV but isn’t very athletic; he thus feels slightly out of step with his siblings. His mom offers a simple solution: “Bree says I’m a mental jock, and I’ll take it” (89). Thus, sports, or merely the idea of sports, has an important place in the closeness of Cross family members.