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Laura Ingalls WilderA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Laura proudly shows Pa the fruits of their labors; they earned $15.25 by feeding and boarding travelers while he was away. His surprise and joy motivate Laura as she cooks and cleans that night and the following morning. The provisions the surveyors left run out, so Ma has to purchase food, which cuts into her profits. The Ingalls family isn’t required to begin construction on their homestead for six months, so Pa starts building a store in town to sell. Laura wishes that she could talk with him, but he eats and sleeps with the boarders now, and they are both so busy working that they have no time to talk.
In a matter of weeks, De Smet’s Main Street springs up on “the brown prairie where nothing had been before” (242). A man opens a hotel in town, and travelers stop coming to the surveyors’ house for meals and lodging. Although the Ingalls are glad to have made $42.50 from taking in strangers, they are relieved to have the house to themselves again. Laura hopes that the money will go toward Mary’s college education.
Expecting the surveyors to return any day, Laura helps Ma clean the house. A flock of geese flies over Silver Lake, and Pa tries to shoot a bird for dinner. Mary and Laura quarrel over what sort of stuffing they should have with the goose until Ma reminds them that they don’t have any of the ingredients they’re arguing over. The bustling human activity in town causes the geese to keep their distance. Pa returns sans bird and observes, “Looks like hunting’s going to be slim around here from now on” (245).
The surveyors return in April, and the Ingalls move into the unfinished building Pa is constructing in town. Mr. and Mrs. Boast go to their new homestead, and Laura feels “lonely and scared” amid the “hustle, bustle, and busyness” (258) of De Smet. Their makeshift shelter lacks siding and has gaps in the walls and ceiling. When Laura wakes up in the morning, there is “a good foot of snow” (250) on all the beds, and Pa shovels it off. Laura shakes the snow off her and Mary’s clothes and helps her sisters dress by the warm stove. Pa boards up some of the cracks and builds a partition to concentrate the stove’s warmth in a little room with a table and beds.
The snow clears up after a few days, but Laura’s restlessness and loneliness remain. Carrie befriends a few neighboring children, and Ma suggests that Laura practice for her future profession by teaching the three girls. Laura uses Ma’s old primer to instruct the children in spelling and arithmetic and tells them to sit still and raise their hands. The girls are reluctant to return every day, and they eventually stop coming altogether. Laura is relieved by their absence until she sees a crowd gathered in front of the hotel. A claim jumper killed a man named Hunter when he went to his homestead. Although the murderer was arrested, the Ingalls are shaken by the news. Pa resolves to begin building a shanty on their homestead so they can move in the next day.
The next morning, the family packs the last of their belongings and joyfully embarks for their new home. As the Ingalls climb into their wagon, Ma scolds Laura to wear her sunbonnet. The bonnet limits Laura’s view to what is directly in front of her. She catches sight of two beautiful horses and exclaims in delight. Pa explains that the horses belong to Almanzo and Royal Wilder, two brothers who claimed a homestead north of town. Letting her bonnet stream in the breeze behind her, Laura imagines being rich enough to buy a pair of beautiful horses and ride like the wind.
The shanty on the homestead is so small and incomplete that Ma laughs at it, but she is still “glad to be home” (264). That night, the family sits in peaceful silence and watches the stars come out. Pa tells Laura that he feels like music, and she brings him his fiddle. Together, the family sings about hope, hard work, and home. Ma says she will unpack the china shepherdess once the roof is finished. Pa’s answer comes in the form of “little notes running like water in the sunshine and widening into a pool” (265).
On their first full day on the homestead, Pa digs a well while Ma and the girls struggle to fit all their furniture into the tiny home. Laura finds a way to squeeze Mary’s rocking chair inside, earning her mother’s praise. Pa adds windows and a door, and Laura helps him cover the outside of the shanty in tar paper to keep out the elements. Remembering how much work it took to clear farmland in the Big Woods, Pa appreciates the open prairie. However, Ma misses trees, and Pa reassures her that each homestead claimant must plant 10 acres of trees.
The next morning, Pa drives to Lake Henry to gather lumber. Laura admires the beautiful colors and tart flavors of the spring wildflowers as she tends to her cow. Filled with joy at the beautiful day, Laura races across the prairie, rolls in the blossom-filled grass “like a colt” (271), and finds her eyes filled with happy tears. Suddenly, she worries that she has stained her dress by rolling on the grass, which she has. Guiltily, she hurries back to the shanty to help Ma. Ma and her daughters put their finest belongings on a tiered shelf called a whatnot, such as their books, a clock, and their china. Just as Ma is about to add the china shepherdess, she is distracted by her dinner preparations. Pa returns and surprises Ma with cottonwood seedlings. He plants a tree for each family member in a row to act as a wind block.
When it’s Grace’s turn to help Pa plant a seedling, the Ingalls realize their youngest member is missing. Ma tells Carrie to stay with Mary, asks Laura to search for the lost toddler, and runs after Pa. They fear that Grace is lost in the Big Slough, a marshy area with deep mud, water holes, and “old, dead grass [that] stood higher than Laura’s head, over acres and acres, for miles and miles” (276). Laura is frozen with fear, and Carrie jolts her into action by screaming at her to look for their sister.
Ma and Pa search the Big Slough, but Laura looks elsewhere because she’s sure a toddler wouldn’t venture into that dark, foreboding place alone. The sunny prairie filled with flowers and butterflies seems a horrible, hateful place to Laura as she searches for her sister. She runs until her sides ache. Coming upon a steep bank, Laura finds Grace in a round hollow full of violets. Laura brings Grace home, entrusts her to Mary, and then shouts to her relieved parents that her sister has been found. Ma and Pa haul themselves out of the marsh, “draggled and muddy and very tired and thankful” (281). The little circle of violets seems so perfect that Laura wonders if fairies made it, but Pa explains that it is an old buffalo wallow. Laura finishes preparing dinner so Ma can rest and hold Grace.
After supper that evening, Ma finally puts the china shepherdess in its place of honor on the shelf. Pa hangs his firearms and a horseshoe above the door. He tells a smiling Ma, “This is our tightest squeeze yet, Caroline, but it’s only a beginning” (284). Pa plays his fiddle and sings a song about the good luck horseshoes bring, which Ma finds a trifle heathenish. He plans to build additional rooms, plant a garden and a small field, and devote most of their acreage to raising hay and cattle. When Laura takes the dirty dishwater outside, she pauses to listen to the lonely prairie wind, reflect on the buffalo’s passing, and consider how this land that seems eternal is now their home.
Laura helps Pa build a stable for the horses. The days grow warmer, and mosquitoes torment the Ingalls and their livestock at night. Ma wishes that their home was further from the Big Slough, which she blames for the insects’ onslaught, but Pa values the swamp because he can harvest acres of hay for free there and because no one else will want to live near it. Ma covers the windows in mosquito bar, and Pa builds a screen door and burns “a smudge of old, damp grass” (288) near the animals to keep the insects away at night.
Safe, snug, and settled on their homestead, the Ingalls enjoy a calm night in their shanty. While Pa plays his fiddle, Laura imagines fairies dancing in the circle of violets. As she lays down to sleep, she hears Pa singing, “There is no place like home” (292).
In the novel’s final section, the Ingalls at last find a permanent home. Although they are the story’s focus, their journey is but a small part of the immense historical shifts unfolding. In Chapter 26, Wilder develops the theme of Adaptation to Change by presenting the West’s rapid expansion. The town of De Smet emerges before the protagonist’s eyes:
In two weeks, all along Main Street the unpainted new buildings pushed up their thin false fronts, two stories high and square on top. Behind the false fronts the buildings squatted under their partly shingled, sloping roofs. Strangers were already living there; smoke blew gray from the stovepipes, and glass windows glinted in the sunshine (242).
These sudden changes have an immediate impact on the local wildlife. Noting how flocks of birds now shun the lake to avoid the new town, Pa observes, “Looks like hunting’s going to be slim around here from now on” (245). The birds will need to seek a new resting place, and the resourceful Pa and his family will have to find food elsewhere. The rapid changes occurring in the West require people and animals to adapt to survive.
The theme of change continues in Chapter 27 as the Ingalls leave the surveyors’ house and the Boasts move to their homestead. Laura struggles to adapt to her new surroundings due to the area’s surging population. She feels “trapped in town” (249). Ironically, the protagonist experiences more loneliness when surrounded by people than when alone on the prairie. Laura feels more at home in nature than among people: “I would rather be out on the prairie with the grass and the birds and Pa’s fiddle. Yes, even with wolves! I would rather be anywhere than in this muddy, cluttered, noisy town, crowded by strange people” (253). This passage reflects her deep love of nature and her dislike of strangers. Making their time in town even more difficult, the Ingalls must contend with an April blizzard while living in a structure that fails to keep out the elements. Additionally, Ma seizes their time in town as an opportunity for Laura to make her first foray into teaching. Laura obediently takes on the challenge even though she “did not want to do it at all” (254), demonstrating her growing maturity and the strength of her bond with her mother. At the end of Chapter 27, the Ingalls decide that the best way to adapt and ensure their survival is to move to their homestead at once. Hunter’s murder by a claim jumper reminds the characters and readers how dangerous this undertaking is. Not all settlers have the Ingalls’ sense of ethics, no matter how disarmingly cozy this story often is.
The author incorporates a range of literary devices in this section to add interest and depth. For example, Chapter 28 includes a subtle instance of foreshadowing: Laura sees her future husband, Almanzo Wilder, for the first time, although she is more interested in his majestic horses at the moment. Wilder continues using auditory and natural imagery to develop the story’s mood. For example, the narrator describes the Ingalls’ first night on their homestead: “The darkness was velvety soft and quiet and safe” (264). This gentle, peaceful description echoes the protagonist’s relief at leaving behind the din of the bustling town.
As the novel draws to a close, the author reveals that Laura is still navigating The Transition From Childhood to Adolescence. In Chapter 29, she shows responsibility by helping her parents with the new home, such as by assisting with the furniture and the tar paper. However, the chapter later reveals that Laura is experiencing inner conflict regarding her age and what she believes it signifies: “Big girl as she was, Laura spread her arms wide to the wind and ran against it” (271). This fleeting moment of joy is chased by anxiety and guilt. She doesn’t want to give up childhood freedom yet, but she chastises herself when indulging in it. Grace’s disappearance leads to the greatest test the young Laura faces in this novel—joining her parents in a desperate search for her youngest sibling. Grace is only two at the time, and neither Mary nor Carrie participates in the search, placing a heavy responsibility on the protagonist. The narration during the frantic search powerfully juxtaposes Laura’s emotions and the setting. Grace’s absence transforms a beautiful place that Laura loves into something terrible and terrifying: “The horrible, sunny prairie was so large” (280). Laura proves that she is growing up by coming to her little sister’s rescue and taking over the chores so that her mother can focus on Grace. At the same time, Laura’s belief in fairies shows that she retains a childlike belief in magic despite all the responsibilities she’s shouldered and the challenges she’s endured in this novel.
Grace’s brief disappearance gives the novel one last suspenseful event and makes the happy ending all the more satisfying. The novel’s symbols and motifs contribute to this resolution. For example, the china shepherdess acts as a symbol of home. Ma leaves the figurine packed away for most of the novel as the family shuttles from one temporary residence to another. Only after Grace is found safe and sound in Chapter 30 does Ma put the china shepherdess in its place of honor on the shelf. The shepherdess’s symbolism reinforces how much it means for the Ingalls to have a permanent home at last, while the timing emphasizes that home is not merely about having a place of one’s own but rather about the people with whom it is shared, again foregrounding The Strength of Family Bonds. In addition, the novel closes with Pa singing about how good it is to be home: “Home! Home! Sweet, sweet home, / Be it ever so humble / There is no place like home” (292). As in its previous appearances, the motif of music emphasizes the strength of the family’s bonds. Although they face many hardships along the way, the Ingalls finally reach a joyful, peaceful place where their journeying can end.
By Laura Ingalls Wilder
Farmer Boy
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Little House in the Big Woods
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Little House on the Prairie
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Little Town on the Prairie
Laura Ingalls Wilder
On the Banks of Plum Creek
Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Long Winter
Laura Ingalls Wilder