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J. G. Ballard

Empire of the Sun

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1984

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Part 2Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 20 Summary: “Lunghua Camp”

It is now 1945. Jim is 14 and has spent over three years at the Lunghua internment camp to the south of Shanghai. The camp is under continual air attack by the United States armed forces, and Jim realizes that the Japanese are losing the war. While Jim is laying pheasant traps on the perimeter of the fence, under the instructions of Basie, a young Japanese private Jim befriended finds a large turtle nearby. The private lets Jim take the turtle back inside the camp, and Jim impresses the younger boys with it.

Chapter 21 Summary: “The Cubicle”

Jim describes his living arrangements in the camp. He shares a room with a British couple, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent, and their six-year-old son, whom they partition off from Jim so that he is living in a cubicle. Despite Mrs. Vincent’s hostility toward him, “like all the men and older boys in G Block, Jim was attracted to Mrs Vincent” (144). Jim also notes how the Japanese had “celebrated” VE day, the day of Nazi Germany’s unconditional surrender to the allies, by cutting the already inadequate rations in half.

Chapter 22 Summary: “The University of Life”

Jim discusses his relationship to Mr. Maxted, who had once been a wealthy architect and friend of his parents. Out of nostalgia, Jim helps Mr. Maxted collect and distribute the prisoner’s rations by pushing around a wooden cart. However, “the Studebaker and the afternoon girls in the gambling casinos had prepared Mr. Maxted poorly for the world of the camp” (146). Mr. Maxted’s physical condition has severely deteriorated through starvation, and he is close to death. Related to this, Jim discusses the worsening food situation in the camp, as he eats the weevils on his cracked corn ration and thinks about the starving Chinese peasants who try to break into the camp.

Chapter 23 Summary: “The Air Raid”

Jim reflects on the airfield at Lunghua that he helped build for the Japanese alongside Basie and the Chinese prisoners. As he says, “his commitment to the Japanese Air Force stemmed from the still fearful knowledge that he had nearly given his life to build the runway” (156). Jim also thinks about the kamikaze pilots he recently saw departing from the base, and how they were ignored by the other Japanese soldiers. While on the balcony of the camp assembly hall, Jim witnesses a huge American air raid on the airfield in which three American planes are shot down by anti-aircraft fire. He sees two American pilots parachuting to safety, only to be shot by Japanese soldiers when they land.

Chapter 24 Summary: “The Hospital”

Jim is taken to assist at the makeshift camp hospital after the air raid by Dr. Ransome, a British doctor and friend of Jim’s. Most of the patients there are suffering from malaria, malnutrition, dysentery, and beriberi. However, the hospital has no medicine, and prisoners who go there have their rations cut in half by the guards who correctly assume that they will shortly die. Jim views these deaths positively, as they afford him the opportunity to take clothes and other items from the dead which he can then barter for food.

Chapter 25 Summary: “The Cemetery Garden”

After a roll call held by the Japanese sergeant in the hospital, Jim visits the garden behind the hospital where he is responsible for tending to the vegetables. He then rests by one of the graves in the cemetery, watching two of the other prisoners bury a man, Mr. Radik, who recently died in the hospital. Mr. Radik had given some interesting lectures in the camp, and to repay him Jim helps bury him properly. Jim also steals two tomatoes from the garden to barter with Basie for books and magazines. However, on noticing Jim with the tomatoes, Dr. Ransome insists that Jim eat them himself.

Chapter 26 Summary: “The Lunghua Sophomores”

Jim watches the “Lunghua players,” the camp’s amateur dramatics group, rehearse on the parade ground. Jim remembers enjoying being cast as a page in their production of Henry V. However, he has been overlooked for a part in The Importance of Being Earnest. Jim then goes to visit Basie in the U.S. dormitory in E-Block and exchanges a pack of condoms Dr. Ransome had given him, the unofficial currency of the camp, for a sweet potato. Basie tells Jim that rumors of their rations being cut in half are false. As Jim finishes eating his potato, he sees the truck from Shanghai with the prisoner’s rations arriving at the camp.

Chapter 27 Summary: “The Execution”

Jim sees from the truck that, contrary to Basie’s reassurances, the rations for the prisoners have been halved. Standing on the steps of E-block, Jim sees the Japanese guards assaulting a Chinese rickshaw driver who brought a Japanese officer to the camp on the parade ground. The guards beat the man to death with sticks. This, says Jim, is “to show the British prisoners that the Japanese despised them […] for not daring to move an inch to save this Chinese” (191).

Chapter 28 Summary: “An Escape”

Jim and the other prisoners notice that the Japanese guards are leaving the camp. This sparks rumors among the prisoners that the war has ended. These rumors prove to be false, but in the coming days food supplies to the camp are stopped altogether, and within another week, by the start of August, the detainees have exhausted their last reserves of food. Just as the prisoners are getting restless, more Japanese soldiers appear and inform them that they are being moved to a camp near the town of Nantao.

Chapter 29 Summary: “The March to Nantao”

The prisoners are led on an exhausting march to the dockyards at Nantao, with Jim so tired that he is continually falling behind. He believes that they are being taken to Nantao so that they can be killed where the American planes which fly over Lunghua cannot see them. In his delirious, food-deprived state Jim starts to believe that he and the other prisoners are already dead.

Chapter 30 Summary: “The Olympic Stadium”

As he drinks water from a polluted river near Nantao, Jim decides to give up the wooden case with all his remaining possessions, as it is becoming too much of a burden to carry. The prisoners then reach a repurposed Olympic football stadium a few miles west of Nantao. It was originally built by the Chinese government in a bid to host the 1940 Olympic games. The remaining 1200 prisoners who have not died on the march are herded into stadium in the dark and rain. The stadium reminds Jim of the detention center in Shanghai except with “all its dangers magnified a hundredfold” (218).

Chapter 31 Summary: “The Empire of the Sun”

The following morning Jim attends to a prostrate and nearly dead Mr. Maxted, while columns of the prisoners who are still able to stand are marched off. Using his hands, Jim takes water from a pool that has gathered nearby to give to Mr. Maxted. He also gives the water to the badly ill Mrs. Vincent. As he realizes that the last of the prisoners are being walked to death, he sees a strange, intensely bright flash of light in the distance before passing out on the grass of the football field.

Part 2 Analysis

At the start of Part 2, as the war is drawing to a close, Jim, under the instructions of Basie, is setting up pheasant traps around the perimeter of the camp daily—“even though they had never seen a bird, let alone caught one” (135). Thus, on one level, this action is the definition of futility. Jim is wasting energy trying to catch non-existent birds, even risking his life in the process. Yet on another level this activity serves a crucial function. Like “his long hours spent hauling the buckets of sewage, planting and watering the crops in the hospital garden” and “pulling the ration cart with Mr Maxted,” the pheasant hunting is “part of his attempt to keep the camp going” (176). Through his actions, he is hoping to galvanize the camp psychologically. By ensuring the continuation of positive activities and the camp economy, Jim seeks to prevent the onset of a malaise which might threaten a community so detached from the meaningful structures of human life.

Jim is not the only one to realize the importance of this point. For a period, as Jim notes, “the entertainments committee, of which Mr Maxted had been chairman, organized a nightly programme of lectures and concert parties” (149). These include lectures on the pyramids, the world land-speed record, weapons of the First World War, and a host of other subjects. On top of this, Jim helps form the “Lunghua Players” amateur dramatics group, which puts on productions of Macbeth and Twelfth Night. All these educational and entertainment activities help to keep up the morale of the camp. They replicate, albeit imperfectly, the structures of ordinary life during peacetime. They both give the inmates hope for the future and prepare them for life outside the camp.

However, suggests Ballard, there is a thin line between this and self-delusion. Especially as the rations start to dwindle and prisoners die on a growing scale, such efforts may appear less a bulwark against despair and more a bulwark against reality. Take, for example, the schoolwork Dr. Ransome assigns Jim after the Japanese guards close the camp school in retaliation for air raids. Some of Ransome’s intent may be noble. But, as Jim says, “the homework helped the physician to sustain the illusion that even in Lunghua Camp the values of a vanished England still survived” (157). Such knowledge is useless in their present context, and Jim may never use it. Rather, the activity is there to distract the doctor from an increasingly grim situation in the camp. The same is true of the rugby match Ransome organizes. Jim describes how “the teams of starving prisoners […] had tottered around the parade ground in a grotesque parody of rugby game” (179). This highlights the inappropriateness and absurdity of pursuing “distractions” and entertainment when people are starving to death.

Further, the dangers implicit in this attitude are shown by another odd camp activity: the naming of camp pathways after famous streets in London. As Jim says, “naming the sewage-stained paths between the rotting huts after a vaguely remembered London allowed too many of the British prisoners to shut out the reality of the camp” (137). Immersing themselves in a world of nostalgia gives them an excuse to shirk practical work that needs doing, such as cleaning the septic tanks. Worse, in supressing the truth of the camp, they cannot formulate a response to that truth. Whereas the American prisoners deal with the growing likelihood of starvation and death by escaping, the British prisoners remain passive. The desire to maintain the glib veneer of British normality keeps them distracted until it is too late. Jim realizes this on his way to Nantao. As he casts the case with his possessions into a river, he sees that “it was time to rid himself of Lunghua and face squarely to the present” (216). Only by doing that can he, unlike many other prisoners, hope to survive.