54 pages 1 hour read

Hans Peter Richter


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1961

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Character Analysis

The Narrator

The narrator is an unnamed German boy growing up during the rise of the Nazi party in Germany between 1925 and 1942. Not only does he tell the story, but he is also the second protagonist. He reveals very little about himself, including what he looks like and his own subjective perspective. His character is more a parallel reflection of Friedrich than a strong separate character. For example, the fact that he is impoverished and not as good at math or swimming is revealed from the comparison he makes between himself and Friedrich. In this way, he offers a juxtaposition to the main protagonist, providing both a non-Jewish version of the same childhood and an enduring voice when Friedrich is silenced by the Nazis’ terror. Thus, he provides an exterior and interior perspective for both the German boy witnessing the events and the German-Jewish boy experiencing the events.

Although there is much overlap between the two boys, the narrator’s character separates from Friedrich at key moments in the narration when he goes from being a passive observer to an actor, particularly in Chapter 20 when he is swept away in the mob without truly contemplating his actions beforehand and again in Chapter 25, when he must decide whether or not to turn the rabbi over to the authorities.

In the end, the narrator as a character is static, but he fulfills an important role as a relatively objective and innocent observer and narrator.

Friedrich Schneider

Friedrich is the story’s main protagonist. He is a young Jewish boy who grows up during the rise of the Nazi party and must confront increasingly verbal and physical antisemitism. In many ways, he is just like the narrator, except that he comes from a more affluent family and is better than the narrator at certain things, like math and swimming. His physical appearance is left undescribed, because he and the other characters are not only supposed to be individual actors but representative figures for the German-Jewish youth at that time. Nevertheless, as an individual, Friedrich possesses several important characteristics. He is friendly, loyal, helpful, thankful, resilient, and courageous.

Regardless of the deteriorating situation, he is always grateful that the narrator remains his friend, even when the narrator distances himself from Friedrich. Friedrich never complains and makes the best of the situation. In fact, he is the voice of reason and positivity when his father, who was formerly positive and calm, becomes desperate and cynical after the Pogrom and the death of his wife. He never reproaches the narrator or his family about the father being in the Nazi party, or that they don’t do enough to fight the injustice. He accepts their passivity stoically. He is always the narrator’s friend. Friedrich also shows great love and empathy toward Hilda, the girl he has a crush on, breaking off their relationship to protect her. He is courageous in many instances, but none more so than when he leaves the bunker and faces the air-raid alone, ultimately to his demise.

Herr and Frau Schneider

Herr and Frau Schneider, like Friedrich and the narrator, are given little personal description. They form a stereotypical German-Jewish husband and wife/father and mother, which makes their tragedy less specific to them as characters and more universal to the German-Jewish people who suffered under the Nazis as a whole.

Herr Schneider (who is never given a first name) is a typical German-Jewish man. He works for the Post office in a managerial position. In German, the word for his position is Beamter, and it’s a special sort of government official that carries with it certain socio-economic perks. Herr Schneider has a distinctly German job, one that signifies him as a German citizen more than a Jewish-German citizen. This is important because, as he later points out, Herr Schneider fully identifies as German, which negates much of the Nazi rhetoric that attempted to paint the Jews as a people undermining the German nation and people. In the beginning of the book, he is a positive and hopeful character but gives over to despair and cynicism following the Pogrom and the death of his wife. From a religious perspective, Herr Schneider is the typical Jewish patriarch and follows the teachings and observances of his religion. He is also very open about Judaism and has no qualms with sharing aspects of his religion with others (e.g., the narrator or Teacher Neudorf).

Frau Schneider is a typical German and Jewish mother. At the time, women were hardly ever allowed to work and if then, only with their husband’s consent. Therefore, she remains at home taking care of Friedrich, cooking, and maintaining a clean house. The cleanliness of her apartment is juxtaposed with the narrator’s, especially when it is pointed out that his mother does not have as much time to clean their place because she must clean for others. Frau Schneider is, in the beginning, a happy and playful wife and mother, witnessed in Chapter 3 in the way she plays with Friedrich in the snow. However, as Nazi antisemitism increases and their lives become more difficult, Frau Schneider is increasingly fearful and fretful. Ultimately, her worst fears are realized, and she is one of the many killed during Kristallnacht, the November pogrom.

The Narrator’s Parents

Like the Schneiders, the narrator’s parents serve more as narrative-types than individual characters. They are never given names, or physical descriptions. They represent the German working-class prior to the rise of the Nazi party, when they become more affluent while their Jewish neighbors are terrorized and deported.

The narrator’s father is unemployed at the beginning of the story. Little else is known about his history or about what he does with his days, other than looking for work. He loves potato pancakes. Like many, he does his best to hide his pecuniary situation. For example, when the Schneiders invite everyone to the amusement park after Friedrich’s and the narrator’s first day of school, the narrator’s father spends what little money the family has so that they can participate in the day’s festivities and not just accept gifts from the Schneiders. It is important to note, however, that the narrator’s father never once expresses antisemitic feelings, something that others in his position may have done, falsely equating the Schneiders’ affluent position with the fact that they’re Jewish. Ultimately, the narrator’s father joins the Nazi party not because of any shared ideology but simply because the Nazi affiliation finally gets him a well-paying job. He is willing to overlook the evil inherent in Nazi ideology for his family’s well-being.

The narrator’s mother is very much like Frau Schneider except she is not Jewish and has less money. She must clean for other families since her husband is unemployed, something of which she is ashamed. She comes from a middle-class German family, as evidenced by the fact that her father works for the railroad and supplies his daughter’s family with enough money for rent. Unlike her husband, her sentiments about Nazi antisemitism are given voice, and the reader learns about her shock, disgust, and fear at the increasing violence and persecution. However, she also remains passive in her defiance, secretly helping the Schneiders in ways that are the least dangerous, through food, sympathy, and silence.

Herr Resch

Herr Resch is the stereotypical passive-aggressive Nazi. He holds antisemitic feelings from the very beginning, witnessed by the names he calls Friedrich in Chapter 3. He doesn’t fully act on his feelings until the Nazis provide him with an excuse and the means to do so. In short, the Nazis enable Herr Resch, and those like him, to transition from passive-aggressive racists and antisemites to openly violent and discriminatory racists and antisemites.

In the beginning of the novel, the reader learns a little about his history. He worked his way up from selling bathing suits to becoming a district manager. He keeps to himself, only communicates with his employees via telephone, and rarely leaves his apartment, except on holidays when he likes to sit with Polycarp, his garden gnome, and observe passersby. He feels himself to be lord of his manor and likes for his tenants to feel his authority. Authority is something Herr Resch craves, from his job, as owner of an apartment building, and later as air-raid warden; he seeks it out, so long as it’s safe. The most prominent characteristic Herr Resch displays, apart from his stereotypical antisemitic ones, is cowardice. He is a manager, but he works from home by telephone, ostensibly to avoid conflict with those he orders around. He is the owner of the building, but he is rarely seen outside his own apartment, so that he doesn’t have to interact with the others. When he goes outside, he stays in his own front yard where he can feel safe and secure as he observes and judges others. However, once the Nazis rise, his behavior becomes a barometer for their increasing power and influence. As the Nazis rise, so too does Herr Resch’s violence and boldness.